116 comments on “David Vlog, Comment Scrapbook for David, See Y’all In KL countdown, KCA, More SLC tidbits,Archuduties

  1. New thread!!

    Lets start with this for the count down….REQUEST!!!!

    FF30 ALTNOY #7…UP 1 spot…

    lots of request to be done this week guys!!…

    Lets move it top top 5 guys!!!

  2. Hello David….!!!!

    I’m your admirer from Indonesia

    when do you come to Indonesia?
    I’ll wait you

    sorry my speak English not fluently

  3. Fly Fm promo starting today on Must Have Music! And request!


  4. And call digi cust. service…result for showcase bundle promo..the result will only be informed by 8th April!! And what Sony inform…contradict !!!

  5. rusharr .. hitz did announced re m&g around 4.50 … or so .. but only managed to hear about meeting at a ‘certain’ parking lot n sing a few lines of DA song. Did you catch what parking lot?

    Whoa… the net is really crawling today. Don’t think I can meet my target today:-((

  6. Shu Yee,

    Didnt manage to listen to the radio today. But Hitz should be sneaking in some M&G passes here and there. The trick is to be glued to the radio.

    So how do we divide between Hitz and Fly?


  7. Hahaha .. Kylie .. good question:-D

    Anyway, I decided to just stay with Hitz .. even though some of the songs they play give me the headache haha! Will let you guys know if I catch anything.

    They are playing ALTNOY now:-)

  8. Kylie .. thanks for the excellent m&g contest .. my brain had a good workout today haha!

  9. KCA this year was *gasp* not boring! LOL
    i love that when AI won, david was hesitating to go up on stage. hahah, he’s so adorkable.

  10. Elicia, Kylie… the hitz M&G contest with DA is at a carpark in Genting!! (still didn’t catch the hotel haha!) .. hopefully tmro they will move somewhere reachable:-)

  11. Hey guys….Nightflight!!


    Call in 0377241144

    Hey missed the M&G thing at Hitz….tnx Shu for the info!!

  12. While requesting guys….watch this..the Snarky video of David!!

    awesome David!!

  13. ha..ha..Cris..just had my dinner..

    ALTNOY…was played around 9.20 something…

    requested by Charm (lol) and JessC!!

  14. wow guys….Hafiz Nightflight is going to give away 2 passes tonight…..listen on!!

  15. Hey guys..this is at FOD:

    Follow David on When He Performs in Kuala Lumpur

    Check out this website!

    This sounds like a Twitter equivalent:

    “For the stalkers, you can “follow” David on PacMee as he tours KL. PacMee will have a special channel for David created where fans can join and get constant updates as to what he’s doing. You’ll get to see photos, videos and more of David. All you gotta do to is sms ON DAVID to 36400 (for DiGi users).”

    David will perform a showcase at Sunway Lagoon Ampitheatre on 11 April.

  16. already 1 week….. used up rm 159… n still no tickets 4 me to c David!!!!!

    Life’s so unfair…:(

  17. rusharr

    Is that klue site a local website?

    morning y’all 🙂

    so hows everyone coping with the m&g contest? easy peasy rite?

  18. Hahaha, David and the green slimmeeeeee. Cute.

    Hey zero gravity, I think David gave a shoutout to those who came “…other countries” to the tour 🙂



    X’cuse for the CAP..lol!

  20. Came across this on FOD..

    Hannah Montana episode to air….

    So there is a rumor (I’ll call it a rumor for now) that David’s Hannah Montana episode will air May 1st, with availability online at disneychannel.com the week before the airdate!!! Thanks to Meleah from Lovingarchie.com. She received this information from a reader whose mother works for Disney ABC TV Group.

    More David on TV! I wonder if he’ll sing in the eppy? I’m really excited about this one, for some reason!

  21. Ugh having to listen to Miley duet with David? I guess I’ll have to turn off the part that she sings lol

    So will Astro be carrying that episode? I guess not as they’re waay behind the US schedule.

  22. Hi guys .. got info from Rock Corner 1 Utama re DA cd sales. U can call Alex Tan or whoever on duty this evening to check abt the arrival of the cds n passes. He said we can book the no. of copies .. so don’t hv to go there and wait.

    Rock Corner, 1U
    Lot S205, 2nd fl
    Tel : 7725 5667

    Hitz cruises at MMU at Cyberjaya today:-((

  23. Kylie my post on David in M’sia…been snap away!!

    It’s about particular of Rock Corner at Subang Parade….i’ve called them up…they asked me to leave my number to contact..when they received the stock…

  24. Hi guys … Rock Corner 1 U .. If you book more than 3 cds and abv .. I am afraid u hv to pay a deposit (. They will accept phone booking for up to 2 only.

  25. rusharr .. the mix20 jam on me again!! do u hv the same problem?? ok .. will move to the other stations.

  26. Fly has a page up on their website where you can submit questions for David. Guess they might call you to ask the question lol!

  27. Guess this and next week won’t be in MWC..huhh?

    But keep requesting guys..we want to push up the #7 FF30!!

    Nightflight!!! request….


    OR CALL 03-7724 1144


  28. Kylie, Rusharr – Hitz cruiser timings
    Mon – thur – 1.10pm, 4.30pm, 7.30pm
    Friday – 1.10pm, 4.30pm, 7.30pm, 9.45pm
    Sat – 11.45am, 1.45pm
    Sun – 5.45pm, 7.45pm
    blog – http//cruisers.blog.hitz.fm
    You can text ‘On cruisers’ to 32111. It will ask you to register. Then u can just text ‘on cruisers’ n it will give u the locations they will be at. Don’t hv to hang around the radio haha!

    Kylie .. I got 2 passes from cruisers .. yep ..I went to Bangsar hahaha!

  29. tNX for the info Shu….wow you went to the cruiser and got 2 passes!!!..good for you!!!

  30. Rusharr .. haha! they pity me la… I think they hv intuition whether the person can sing .. they don’t need any nightmares after I sing lol!!! so they just took my name n details:-D They said Hitz will info those who won the passes the details of collection. Most likely on the day itself.

    Yes .. apparently all the locations will be listed onces you sms them. Anyway, the cruiser guy there registered my phone with them … so will try it out tmro ok?

  31. Shu Yee…….I take my hat off you! Incredible determination. I couldn’t believe that you actually went to Bangsar! But 2 passes for the effort!

    Thanks for the cruisers info.

  32. Kylie .. fortunately I have time on my hands today hehe! Anyway, after cooping up in the hse the last couple of days … needed to do something different … thought today was quite adventurous n exciting lol *shaking head*!

    Count it yours .. 2 more passes for your bag ok:-)

  33. Oh btw … I told the cruiser guy that we needed at least 100 passes … and he just laugh! but noted!

  34. rusharr .. yeap I am .. although engine is running a little slow today haha!

    Cruisers … since I hv registered with them .. they will sms me where their locations an hr or so before their 1st location + all 2 later locations as well for the day. Each sms they send to me is 50sen .. so I will post the locations here if anyone is interested ok?

  35. Thank you so much, Shu Yee.

    The indicated number of responses for the AAM meet will keep you busy.


  36. Kylie,

    I have sent the pictures to AAM and ZG will send our stories. Please ask Justine, or John to check and make corrections, especially mine before doing anything with it. I am not a writer and need editors to sift through the rubble!!!!

    Thanks and Good day!!!

  37. Lol, got a male caller asking how to get David Archuleta tickets from Moots……….


  38. Shu i did sms hitz cruise this morning…their response was..

    Hitz Cruiser will at this place:

    1.10 pm shell station(didn’t say where!)
    4.30 pm one world hotel bdr. utama
    7.30 Zouk KL

  39. rusharr .. great u got a respond from them .. mmm how come I didn’t?? r u attacking any?haha!

  40. No Shu..so far away from me….yesterday Cyberjaya..but i didn’t know the exact place…no time to spare…

  41. Aiyo, they were in One World BU at 4.30?! Aiyo, should have gone there…

  42. not much of David’s news… wonder what he is doing atm *think*…hmmm watching AI8?? 😛

  43. Hey Peeps!!! WOOOOOOO I’m done with my JPA interview. WHEW. Now I can get back into Archuland <333

    hey Rusharr! xD

  44. ..and happy voting Juice…he..he…bright girl like you..sure in your hand the scholarship!!

  45. The interview went well. If ada rezeki, I hope I get it. ^_^

    Thnx Rusharr, Sheba!! ❤

    yeah! vote vote vote~

  46. Rusharr- What do you mean? That was just a joke???? You mean I’m not getting any ticket from AAM? Thanks a lot. *scowls* I told like my parents and friends about it. If that was a joke, then it was a mean joke!

  47. I can’t believe I forgot it was April Fools! I knew it was too good to be true. That was so mean! *sobs*

  48. No Nick..they want to give you….just enjoy teasing you first..you were picked girl!!

  49. ALTNOY on Nightflight now!!

    Ha..ha.. me confused too now….are at the same subject…nevermind…don’t take it seriously..


    rusharr and Nik confusing and muddling each other up! 🙂

  51. Heheee it’s all cleared up now. xD

    Nikky! Anne says it’s okay. I don’t think she’s mad ^_^

  52. Morning guys…

    You want to know who really Pecan Pie is..Pecan unmasked…go read…over at FOD..intro below..

    Amazing stuff from SU2C and Pecan Pie

    SU2C has posted a great interview with Pecan Pie. It was filmed at the Z100 Jingle Ball at Madison Square Garden in December. There, David met Marge, a cancer survivor motivated by him and SU2C site to get herself checked. Read on for all of the details and links to the videos. Pecan has done a fantastic job of getting you ready to take control of your health and keep yourself educated about cancer prevention. WAIT! I’m making it sound boring!! Don’t go! Click “Read the rest of this entry” at the bottom of the post for the ENTIRE article by Pecan.

    First, the video. Click HERE :http://www.standup2cancer.org/sutv?sid=2&vid=3458

    to go to SU2C’s site and watch.



    Hi Folks,

    There is a video out on the SU2C site that you might like to take a look at and I thought I’d give all of you a bit of the story behind it. First, you will meet a woman, Marge, who is a fellow Archie and David helped save her life. She’ll tell you how in the video, but in short, David had encouraged us all in one of his blogs to watch the Stand Up to Cancer show and the show provided some important cancer screening and prevention tips. As a result of the show, she got herself screened and detected her cancer early before it spread and now looks forward to a long future filled with many years of David Archuleta concerts, albums, and Christmas specials. Marge contacted me after the diagnosis to let me know how David helped save her life and I had my people call his people (ok, I don’t have people, but SU2C does) and we arranged for him to meet Marge and her two kids before the MSG Jingle ball for SU2C. By this time he already knew her story, but they had never met face to face. I wish the videographer had captured the look on his face when he was told who she was, but you all know that sweet look in his eyes when his face just radiates pure love and joy. Close your eyes. Can you picture it now? Yeah, that’s the look.

  53. dear david archuleta will marry kristina altamura
    dear david archuleta iam going to meet yuou.

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