33 comments on “David For President?

  1. Thanks for this fun post, Trace while we wait for a certain music video to appear 🙂

    Must have been quite hard looking through the wonderfully georgeous pics of David for this
    post. Love all your selections! The third pic certainly looks grander that any parties’ convention LOL
    That ‘presidential’ look is just so….and I wont want to stare at the last pic for too long. Its certainly very hypnotising : D

  2. Thank you Shirley. 🙂

    It’s indeed a rather time-consuming effort trying to find pics to fit into the topic, or any topic.
    I wouldn’t do it for anyone else but David. 🙂

    And also for the reason that, like you, I want to keep this site alive and hopefully, happy and smiling, especially when David is away. 🙂

    Me too, I love his “presidential” look into the camera. Have always loved that pic and have waited for some time to find an apt topic to post it.

    It had been fun for the past couple of years reading D-fans’ take on this subject of David becoming President, but they were more in a spazzy kinda feel – just shows how much we love him and how much we admire his character.
    I myself wanted to give it a “teasing” and “tongue-in-cheek” approach.

    I had fun collecting those pics and concocting those captions and am glad you found a certain amount of enjoyment reading them. 🙂

  3. Hey liying

    Thank you for the vid of dub step you posted at the end of the the last thread. That sort of electronic music is definitely not for me haha!
    But it’s great to be educated about the new stuff going on out there! 😀

  4. Lol I suppose I’m the wacko Cook is referring to. Haha but I can’t be the only one here. 🙂

    Imagine an America with President Archuleta hmm….. every household would have a framed portrait of the dear Archie, his Archugaze along with his utter adorkableness would quash any dissent and of course his velvety voice will turn everyone into mindless zombies. haha At least he’d be really apologetic about it since he didn’t mean to ruin democracy and all. Frankly, I prefer plain ol’ David who sings and makes us happy. 🙂

    Auntie Trace. I suppose dubstep is an acquired taste. But it does require a certain amount of creativity to create a dubstep track. I hope D does appreciate that because as a musician he has to be open to the uniqueness of all kinds of music. And I want him to show us that he can be an artist as well as a performer.

  5. liying

    😀 yes! I was thinking of you when I came up with that caption. 😀
    No, you’re not the only wacko. We all share that privilege. 😀

    The image of David being the President of the most powerful country in the world, is really quite amusing – remember the Larry King interview of the Top Ten on AI, when he stumped everyone with his halfway-there remark? 😀 He would stump every country’s politicians and quell all the conflicts, riots and wars because they have turned into speechless zombies, as is seen in that vid. 😀

    You are right liying. David, as a musician, must open himself to at least know all genres of music in order to be a better composer.

  6. liying

    Haha that’s some loosened-up dancing! I admit I never saw that. Thanks 🙂
    Nice bod too. I wonder if he’s been going to the gym. Surely just running alone can’t give one a body like that. 😀

    You know, I believe we have the Pinoys to thank for helping David come out further from his shell, by giving him so much confidence in himself and feeling less inhibited.
    I hope the Chileans will give him a further boost. 🙂

    I can’t help wondering how many people our Prince/President/Elder has converted so far. Lol

  7. Hey Trace,

    Thanks for all your efforts in keeping this site alive and well. David needs his fans to stick around and you’re doing a great job!

    Anyway, where is that elusive Rainbow MV???

  8. Hi Liying

    Thank you for that tumblr link and for reminding us that indeed David has loosened up. That short stay in Manila has brought out so many sides of David that we have not seen before. Yup, glorious pecs and biceps and a gorgeous face to boot! Love Bench for working with David 🙂

    Re dubstep – when the Rainbow remix were first mentioned, fans speculated that it could be dubstep and picked out this video to show what dubstep is. Imagine if David could move like this 😀

  9. Shirley Lol!!!

    Many thanks for the 2 vids! 😀

    The 1 st vid : it is the first time I watched a dubstep. Quite beautiful actually. I think David will take some time to get used to the idea of drawing attention to his body, moving the way that guy was moving his. He will probably stick to some “mild” salsa. 😀

    The 2nd vid: those 2 guys are precious! 😀 especially the one driving! At some point, he actually took his hands off the steering wheel to do all those gesticulations! I had a good laugh! Thanks Shirl!
    I always get a kick when I see David having male fans! 🙂

  10. Hey Auntie Shirley
    Nice vid of the guy dancing to the dubstep remix. 🙂 The dude was really good. Btw just to clarify, dubstep is a genre of music whereas the dance is street dancing. i.e. body waves, botting, isolations etc. There’s actually loads of styles. I don’t really know them but my little brother is perpetually tutting and trying to expound his knowledge of street dancing to everyone lol. Not that I pay much attention. haha
    The guys in the car are so adorbs. 😀
    You know Auntie Trace, I think a lot of guys like David, but most not enough to be fans, maybe because they think D’s music is meant for fangirls. Last year when I was asking around for people to teman me for the concert, one of my friends said he was completely blown away by D’s performance of Imagine during AI but he was disappointed with D’s pop music. When I showed him Contigo he said, if D would sing like that then he’d go for the concert. And also I think some guys are closet Archies. I had a friend teasing me about D going on mission but if he weren’t a fan why would he bother to even find out about it grrrr…

  11. liying

    One learns something new everyday. So dubstep is a genre of music and the dance that dude did was a kind of street dancing. 🙂
    Your little brother is cute. How old is he?

    That is what I’ve been saying all this time, that D should sing songs which showcase his voice, and not do any old pop music because his voice is wasted on them.
    If you listen to most of the pop singers, even the popular ones, their voices are just mediocre.
    With David, it is THE VOICE, and he should make that the main feature.
    Your friend definitely knows what he is talking about. 🙂

    I love it when I see guys liking D. When I was in Manila, there were so many guys at his concert and they were jumping and spazzing and were not shy about it. What is there to be shy about? – a good singer is a good singer.
    I will feel quite gratified if the guy-fans have enough self-confidence to come out and say: Ya, I like David Archuleta, so…?

  12. David ought to make his voice the main feature, I agree. But he should also be a lot edgier. He shouldn’t do all those slow ballads kinds of stuff or he’ll end up like Josh Groban. That’s why I’d like him to do some up tempo R&B or some more exciting music and be more experimental with his production. Perhaps he wouldn’t get as much air time or be very mainstream but he’d get more respect from real music lovers. At the moment he’s kinda neither here nor there haha

    Oh yeah, I’m glad you liked the dancing David gifs aunties Shirley and Trace. Tumblr is a fun place to find these sorts of things.:-)
    My friends, I believe, generally have decent tastes in music. I’m considered the most teeny bopper because I like David. lol Filipino guys certainly aren’t the shy shy type.
    Lol you think my lil bro is cute. He’s 14.

    If you don’t mind me saying, it’s kind of quiet here on AAM. What happened to everyone else??

  13. liying

    You said it. D’s music is kinda neither here nor there. 😦
    He still really needs to find his niche. I guess that’s why the archies are all so concerned for him.
    We archies will take him anyway and anyhow. But it’s the non-fans and potential fans we are trying to rope in for him. He really should think harder on this.

    hey liying, if you don’t mind my asking, how old are you? I think you are actually pretty young like 18? but sometimes you sound like a mature nannie who knows so much! 😀
    An old soul maybe? like David? 😀

    You are right, it’s so quiet here at Aam that sometimes, you can hear a pin drop.
    The ones I know are spending time catching up with things they haven’t been doing the past 4 years haha. Some of them are probably disappointed with David going away.
    Perhaps some are just lurking and are too lazy to say anything.
    Whatever reasons they may have, I’m sure their love for David is still strong. They’re just waiting for him to come back to wow them.

    Your comments have been precious. You’d better stay put or I’ll kill you! 😀

    Whatever the others are doing, or rather, NOT doing, I’m staying steadfastly here. Not going anywhere. 🙂

  14. Hi Trace,

    You’re right, David would probably salsa rather than dance like a rubber man LOL. On the other hand, we might never know, right? He’s full of surprises 🙂

    Those two hunting guys are really so cute. Its so fun to see them singing along to Crush especially the driver with his funny hand actions!

    Something amusing to share here (well,at least for me haha). This evening when my hubby got home I went to open the front door and noticed that he had his car engine on while he was already standing outside the car. The next thing I heard was Crush playing on the radio. Guess he didnt want to switch off the radio till David finishes singing. Closeted Archie or fanboy perhaps? 😀 😀

  15. Hey Liying,

    Ok, got it about dubstep. Thanks for the explanation but I only know what body waves are. The rest that you’ve mentioned are just alien to me but still its very nice of you to share. Thanks also to your little bro 🙂

    If that’s the perception about David’s music being meant for fangirls, its so sad. But then again, I saw that we have quite a number of male fans who were at David’s concert in KL last year. I vividly remembered the video by AAM of the concert pre-sale launch at Berjaya Time Squares and there were quite a number of males fans. Hope they are still around waiting for David to come back 🙂

    Yes, its rather quiet here but its somewhat to be expected now that David is on hiatus.
    We know this is temporary and hopefully when he’s back to making beautiful music in 2014
    we will see a gathering of fans at this site once again. Meanwhile we shall continue to keep the fires burning here 😀

  16. Shirley

    I love the story about your hubby! At first it was liying’s cute little brother, now it is your cute little..I mean , your fanboy husband! 😀

    And don’t forget our Uncle John who was jumping right through the Stadium Negara show!
    I have proof because he was jumping and grooving right next to me. 😀

    Did someone say it’s quiet here?

  17. Shirley

    I really like Aam’s vid of the Pre-launch. Thanks! David’s P&A just about summed up our excitement. Such great memories. 🙂

    I think I saw more fanboys than fangirls in it haha!

  18. Wasnt that so much fun, Trace? I mean the Zero Gravity video from the KL show last year.
    We certainly were jumping like crazy that night LOL. Yes I reckoned I saw John doing
    the exact same thing too cos we were all in the same row 🙂

    When David was in Singapore 2 years ago, we also had a great time catching his acoustic
    showcase at Zouk, remember? Thanks to Sheba and her steady hands we have great videos for keepsakes!

  19. Good grief! Thank goodness I wasn’t at the front row in Stadium Negara, David jumping around on stage like that might’ve killed me. Super sexy leh 0_o
    There certainly were a lot of fanboys at the presale 🙂 I admit, initially when I heard about D, I thought he was just for teeny bopping fangirls too. That was of course before I heard him sing and totally melt my innards with his voice. haha

    Auntie Shirley, I was staring at D’s chest all through that Singapore show video. lol You all must all think I’m such a dirty archie but it’s David’s fault for wearing tight shirts! I’m not complaining. hehe
    It must be fun having a family of archies 😀

    Auntie Trace, don’t worry I’m not going anywhere. 🙂 My comments might be less frequent next year when I go to uni though. Btw I just turned 19. Not too large an age difference between me and David, is there? hehe. I’m glad you enjoy my comments. If I’m an old soul it’s thanks to D for making me read up on all matters pertaining to him 🙂

    To be frank, I actually almost forgot about the Rainbow mv. Been spazzing about the Hobbit movie which will be out week after next. 🙂 Yippee! Tolkien’s books are my favourite plus Martin Freeman is playing Bilbo and Benedict Cumberbatch is Smaug! John and Sherlock from my favourite tv show Sherlock! Ohmyheck!… I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m cheating on D with a hobbit lol

  20. Shirley

    How can I forget the show at Zouk?
    It was the 1st time I saw David really upclose (it was too far at Sunway) and it was the 1st time I met you haha!

    At Zouk, I was in the 3rd row, simply because I couldn’t run fast enough to secure the front row! 😀 When David came out, my first impression was he smelt of talcum powder hehe..
    That was the time when an extended archu family was formed – you and your girls from Kuching and Jennie and girls from Australia. Hm..such sweet memories. 🙂

  21. liying

    Yes you are a dirty archie! Lol!! You said it, I didn’t! 😀

    I’m impressed that you read Tolkein. My favourite authors are Somerset Maugham and Roald Dahl. Have you read them? SM has a beautiful way of writing and RD has a sense of humour and the ridiculous that really amuses me no end. I read their books over and over again.
    I’m sure D would be happy to know you’re into reading good books. He won’t think you are being unfaithful to him – it’s his own fault anyway, for having left you. 😀

    Congratulations for going to uni next year! What will you be studying?
    Studying is one thing, but I hope you’ll find the time to come in here as often as you can. 🙂
    We would want to know your progress at uni, and to make sure you are keeping up with Davidism!

  22. I’m kinda jealous that you all have been to see David upclose. I hope I’ll get to meet him someday… and give him a piece of my mind. lol If don’t end up a blabbering mess instead 🙂
    I’m going to med school next year. I’ll still be around in 2014 if D decides on a comeback tour because it’s a twinning programme. 🙂

    I’ve read a couple of short stories by Somerset Maugham before. Not a lot though but it is interesting how he writes about Malaya and about the British colonialists. Haven’t read Dahl in a long time. I think I prefer Dick King-Smith though. But perhaps because I have more of his books.
    If I’m not mistaken, D once said during Star Search that LOTR was his favourite movie. Ahhh…. ❤ I wonder if he knows about the Hobbit. I think he might make a very nice hobbit himself. Wonder if he has any hair on his toes haha
    Does D read anything besides Paulo Coelho? Don't quite like Paulo Coelho. But I can understand why the Alchemist is D's favourite book.

    Are you planning to watch the hobbit? I heard Kili the dwarf is pretty hot. hehe that's for leaving me Archuleta!

  23. liying

    Med school as in Medical? Twinning programme? Are you outside Malaysia? Or am I just being ignorant? 🙂

    You WILL end up a blabbering mess when you meet David, like everybody else, I tell ya! 😀

    SM’s short stories are very appealing but the full novel is fascinating. I’m now reading The Moon And Sixpence for the 3rd time, and he never fails to impress me with his beauty of language and phrasings.
    The other one which absorbed me is Of Human Bondage which I read many years ago. I must read it again. I have a silly habit of re-reading what I like, just for the beauty of the writing.
    Likewise, I also have a silly habit of listening to the same singer on repeat. Guess who Lol!

    I think David likes Paulo Coelho because of the spiritual messages. He is ok for me but not totally.

    Have you read Tom Sharpe? His satires are absolutely hilarious and ridiculous.
    I do like books which are either funny or emotionally intense.
    I have not read Dick King-smith’s books but absolutely adore Babe the movie. Of course I have watched it on repeat haha!

    I’m not sure if I’ll be watching Hobbit. I saw parts of Lord of the Rings but the high-fantasy kinda films are not exactly my cup of tea. But I will not rule out the possibility of watching it.
    You’re going to cheat on David again with Kili? Tut tut! 😀

    Ok next project – to check to see if David has hair on his toes! We might get him a film role yet! 😀

  24. Auntie Trace
    I’m going to be studying medicine. A twinning programme just means the first half of my course will be in Malaysia and the other half overseas. 🙂
    You don’t have a silly habit. lol It’s only natural to reread good books.
    The spiritual messages are exactly why I don’t really like Paulo Coelho.
    No, I haven’t read Tom Sharpe. What are his satires usually about? 🙂 Sounds interesting. I’ve read a few Neil Gaiman. His more adult books are more satirical a little crude actually. His children’s stories are nice, I like The Graveyard Book.
    I love Dick King-Smith’s animal stories and of course Babe. It’s been a while but I still remember Farmer Hogget and the mice singing. “If I had words to make a day for you lalala…
    How can you not have finished watching LOTR?! This is unheard of. They were D’s favourite movies some more.

  25. liying

    I think it’s wonderful that you’re taking up medicine as a career. So proud of you! 🙂
    Perhaps you can find a cure during your research for ODD? We will appoint you as Aam’s in-house doctor. 😀

    I apologise to both you and David for not watching LOTR completely. 😀
    It’s the battle scenes you know. Too much of it. Even with other films which have such scenes, I close my eyes and wait for them to pass before I resume watching.

    I love the village scenes in LOTR though. So beautiful. And I absolutely adore Gandalf! When he died as The Grey, I thought my world would end. I was quite elated when he came back as the White Gandalf.

    Tom Sharpe is best known for his Wilt series. He rails against English class snobbery and the South African apartheid regime in the funniest way – if you can stomach the vulgar and offensive way he tells his stories and depicts the character, Henry Wilt. He has been hailed as England’s funniest living author.

    I love those mice in Babe too. Such a delightful idea to put them in!
    I have not read The Graveyard Book. Haha, you seem to like ghouls and ghosts and hobbits.
    Is that why you like David since he seems to have an affinity with Dracula-dressing? 😛 😀 😀

  26. Hey liying

    I came across a trailer of The Hobbit. The scenes look quite amazing. And I love the song. Posting it specially for you. 🙂

    I remember 2 kids (about 12 years-old then) in my family who insisted that we visit the various parts of NZ which were used for the shooting of the LOTR trilogy. And we had to oblige. 🙂

  27. Thanks for the vids auntie Trace 🙂 Next time if I go to NZ I’d want to go on a LOTR tour too. The Kiwis are really excited about the Hobbit. Have you seen Air New Zealand’s safety video?

    Babe is so adorable being so obliging 🙂

    The Graveyard Book is sorta based on the Jungle Book. Instead of being raised by wolves there’s a family of ghosts and instead of Shere Khan there’s a serial killer.

  28. Thanks liying! That was fun!! 🙂
    Peter Jackson and team should have another oscar. I must try to catch Hobbit at some point.

    Ahh..Jungle Book…another of my favourites!
    The Graveyard Book sounds really interesting. I’m imagining David playing the part of the young man. 😉

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